Lasershape: Sign up here!

Lasershape: Sign up here!

Lasershape: Sign up here!

About Lasershape

Established in 1988, Lasershape has grown to be one of the largest sub-contract metal fabricators in the UK. Their 58,000 sq. ft facility in the East-Midlands supports a client base that spans as far as the Middle East.

They are dynamic, customer focused and ready to support you in your successes. Employing 150 full-time staff, they operate around the clock to produce high-quality products faster, without compromising quality.

What we did

Lasershape found our details through a google search and asked us for a quotation. We were soon very pleased to hear we’d won the tender, thank you! The client supplied all the print ready artwork and once checked, we moved forwards to production.


We printed, fabricated and then fitted a number of signs including full wall wraps and external signage at high level.

Internally, we covered several walls including the main office, boardroom and canteen with fully branded printed wall wraps on vinyl and laminated for protection. For high traffic areas we always recommend this material as unprotected wall coverings can be easily damaged.


Externally, we fitted several ACM (rigid and weatherproof) signs above doors and two large scale main signs using cherry pickers at a rough height of six metres. We also replaced their gate signs with channelling on, fixed with clips to the gates. Plus fixing a final larger roadside sign with channels and clips to existing posts.


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PrintCo - Print and Signage Solutions
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